Saturday, May 16, 2020

A case of a 42 year old woman with multiple health events since birth

The demographic details of the patient are given in the link

This is a case of a 42 year old female with severe health problems since birth which are 

1) Swelling (face and abdomen)

H/o swelling since age 1till date
Mainly in the face, neck and abdomen area
It triggers on exposure to emotional stress, smoking,exercise, and eating any wrong food 
Reason for this is hemolytic crisis due G6PD deficiency for which she is diagnosed last year 

CBP and peripheral blood smear 
Direct and indirect bilirubin levels 
SGOT and SGPT levels 
Chest XRay
Urine examination for any infection

Avoid stress and have food rich in antioxidants 

2) Head ache 

Started at age 2 and became worse by age14
Preceded by aura and also associated with numbness in left side of face 
Increased in severity over time
Reason could be hemiplegic migraine , or any tumor 

Investigations : 
CT and MRI of Brain
CSF analysis 
Intracranial pressure

Triptans like sumatriptan
Anti nausea medications 

3)Difficulty in breathing 

Not able to breathe properly from very young age 
Reason could be right heart failure due to G6PD deficiency which is diagnosed

Chest XRay 
BNP levels to rule out heart failure 

Oxygen therapy 
Ruling out underlying cause and its treatment 

4) Fatigue

Complains of easily getting tired 
Reason could beoxidative stress due to G6PD deficiency and AMPD1 deficiency 

Ribose given helps her by direct source of energy to cells 

5) Left sided weakness 

Loss of function of left side of body along with numbness on left side of face mainly during migraine attacks
Frequent falls to left side and broke ankle  by fall from stairs

6) Sleep disturbances

Duration 2 to 4 hours
No REM sleep

L serine helps for good quality sleep 

Other complaints : 
Excessive hair at age of 3 and also history of ectopic pregnancy  and dysmenorrhea 
Increased pain tolerance WNK1 hereditary sensory neuropathy 
Rashes on face(2 to 4 times a year ) and same time warts and EBV reactivated 
Increased risk of infections 
Sensory disorder  clothes and physical contact are unbearable 

Ribose diet 
L serine for sleep 
Reducing oxidative stress
Vitamin B complex  
Anti oxidantvitamins 
Fructose and antioxidant 
Keto diet 
Iron folate medications 
Cimetidine for swelling 
Salt and butter